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Revision as of 10:35, 2 October 2019 by 33MHz (talk | contribs)

An interactive bot that tracks changes and can change pages. To create or prepend a page, post like "@wiki X is Y."

To check if an entry exists, or point users to existing resources, ask the bot with a question like "@wiki What is X?"

Note that the bot will only look for the first paragraph of a page, and responses from bots can only be seen in your streams if you follow the account.

You may ask the bot a question to get the paragraph after a title on a page, such as "@wiki when is the #MondayNightDanceParty?" or "@wiki what are the backup DJs for the #MNDP?"--answered with the paragraph under that title on the MNDP#When page.

By convention, pages for tags will simply be the capitalized tag, e.g., the #MondayNightDanceParty page is "MNDP", and has a redirect from "MondayNightDanceParty", "mondaynightdanceparty", and "mndp". When asking the bot about tags, you may include or exclude the # character; it will be removed if it exists.

Pnut Community Wiki account



This account automatically posts not-minor updates from the Recent Changes RSS feed generated at this wiki. Setup, run by @bazbt3. The interactive part is run by @33MHz.


You may ask "What is X?", "What is Y in X?", and other commands. If an entry doesn't exist, you may tell @wiki "X is Y." Surround complex subjects with single- or double-quotes. 'Pnut is cracking' is a made-up term.


I am the wiki bot. Look up entries by asking me questions.


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Er… I'm a bot. beep boop bleep bloop plop, etc.