909 bytes added,
08:33, 15 March 2018 == Info ==
* For voice-chat you can use this private [[@papierzeit#My_public_Mumble_server_:|mumble server]] channel -> #Hackathon
* Visit https://patter.chat/room/212 - the hacking space Patter chatroom
== Ideas ==
* mediawiki extension to allow wiki.pnut.io to authorize users with pnut accounts
* something with webRTC
* Doodle plugin (wiki)
* wiki documentation
* work on [https://github.com/33mhz/robin Robin (Android)]
* [https://pnut.io/docs/api/implementation/libraries libraries without maintainers]
* create share buttons like https://github.com/appdotnet/piha using [https://beta.unsweets.net/intent/post?text=Bookmarklet%20-%20Beta&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbeta.unsweets.net%2Fabout%2Fbookmarklet beta's bookmarklet]
* open comment system using Pnut.io, similar to [https://github.com/appdotnet/adn-comments ADN Comments] but allowing anonymous/others
* Patter 2.0 (Slack clone)