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697 bytes added, 18:07, 13 November 2017
Updated listing
PigPen is a text-driven Python app with rudimentary post and query abilities. Developed in Python 2.7 to be compatible with the [[Libraries|PNUTpy library]], all the work is tailored to work on an iPhone 6 running Pythonista. Think pre-alpha and dial your expectations back a bit.
# ___ ___
# / _ |__ ___ / _ | ___ __
# / ////_// _ \/ //// // |/ \
# / __// // //// __// ___ / /\|
# /_/ /_/ |_ //_/ |___//_//_/
# /__/
== Basic features: ==
* '''Post'A 'screenshot':   | PigPen | pnut u:@bazbt3 gg global timeline gt your timeline p post, rp repost gm mentions r reply, repost, gth getthrd gp getpost b bookmark, send gb bookmrks gh 'hashtag' f follow gu getuser gi interacts msg message.gms getmsgs gs getsubs gc getchanl sub subscribechannel | help=menu exit=exit Choice? gt --------------- @joe: [u:117+f+F]* '''Get''' 2017-11-13 21:21:56+00: posts, mentions, hashtags, threads, bookmarks, messages, channels00 [] @jacobrealo Yep, subscribed channelsthey did a Search competition last year where the two winners to host the reboot which the reboot airs this month.* '''Other''' id:224845 rep:224801 thd:224801 ------------------------------- help Inline interactions menu: Follow users. [enter]=next r=reply rp=repost b=bookmark gth=get thread x=exit -------------------------------
=== Limitations as-of v0.12.223: ===* Text commands only(no images or files.)* Only 20 items per inquirylisting.* No Not much error handling; e.g. if there are fewer than 20 posts in an inquiry the app will exit.
* See the changelog link below for more.

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