Added more podcasts
* [http://www.thejimquisition.com/tag/podcast/ Jimquisition]: Collection of Podcasts with Jim Sterling (Podquisition, Fistsha
* [http://mugglecast.com MuggleCast]: Talk about Harry Potter
* [http://www.formeltiere.deDie de Die 3 Formeltiere]: German podcast about (usually math) formulas
* [http://fistshark.com FistShark Marketing]: Comedy podcast with Jim Sterling about a malicious PR firm
* [http://www.historyofwesteros.com History of Westeros]: In-depth discussion about the history in the ASOIAF books
* [https://daringfireball.net/thetalkshow/ The Talk Show]: John Gruber talking about Apple
* [https://www.acast.com/adrift Adrift]: Comedy Podcast about pretending to be good at being an adult
* [http://www.flipendopodcast.com Flipendo]: Another (general) Harry Potter Podcast
* [http://www.themenu.bar/ The Menu Bar]: A general tech podcast
* [https://radiowolfgang.com/s/scienceish Scienceish]: Delve into the science behind popular culture
* [http://forschergeist.de Forschergeist]: German science podcast