== Progress ==
Hoping to be present: [[@33MHz]], [[@blumenkraft]], [[@ericd]], [[@thedan84]], [[@rafaelcosta]], [[@griff]], [[@kwood]], [[@unixb0y]], [[@ludolphus]], [[@thrrgilag]], [[@shawn]]
=== Project ChimPnut ===
@ludolphus worked on iterative improvements to ChimPnut. === Pnut-Butter library === @kwood worked on moving the pnut-butter library over to TypeScript === PiNut === @unixb0y fixed notifications and worked on improvements to PiNut. === Pnut API === @33MHz worked on backwards compatibility in the next major API release.explanation === Prose === @shawn worked on implementing some of the core types for users and posts. === Squeak === @thrrgilag started a Linux app! https://dreamfall.space/_matrix/media/r0/download/dreamfall.space/FtXIDCIvBdAZaQMjDMibjsFW