== History ==
On [[App.net]], [[@nitinkhanna]] called for the first Wednesday Challenge{{ref|first}} and @duerig, creator of [[Patter]], suggested it be a weekly thing{{ref|first_suggestion}}. This conversation took place in the Writers Write room set up by @richardleis.{{ref|writers_room}}, who introduced the #hourofwriting{{ref|hour_of_writing}}, a similar challenge activity, during which people write at the same time for an hour non-stop.
=== Previous Prompts ===
* May 27: [https://beta.pnut.io/@neil/posts/791183 "fact check"]
* May 13: [https://beta.pnut.io/@blumenkraft/posts/783804 "force field"]
* April 29: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/777110 "arm's length"]
* April 1: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/765419 "mortar"]
* March 25: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/761888 "early writing system"]
* March 4: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/751726 "unction"]
* February 19: [https://beta.pnut.io/@shawn/posts/744986 "space"]
* February 12: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/742791 "secondary"]
* February 5: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/738749 "protein"]
* January 29: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/734937 "sous-chef"]
* January 22: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/731629 "feng shui"]
* January 15: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/728366 "playground"]
* November 13: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/699070 "plaid"]
* October 30: [https://beta.pnut.io/@33MHz/posts/692002 "catch"]
* January 23: [https://posts.pnut.io/547543 "there once was a girl from Nantucket..."]
* January 2: [https://posts.pnut.io/534703 "resolution"]
* December 26: [https://posts.pnut.io/531269 "misspelled"]
* December 19: [https://posts.pnut.io/526318 "throwing"]