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448 bytes added, 15:35, 30 September 2018
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Note that the bot will only look for the first paragraph of a page, and responses from [ bots] can only be seen in your streams if you follow the account.
If You may ask the bot a page has question to get the paragraph after a <strong>Whentitle</strong> titleon a page, asking the bot such as "<code>@wiki when is Xthe #MondayNightDanceParty?</code>" will be or "<code>@wiki what are the backup DJs for the #MNDP?</code>"--answered with the paragraph under that titleon the [[MNDP#When]] page. E By convention, pages for tags will simply be the capitalized tag, e.g., the [[#MondayNightDanceParty page is "MNDP]] page", and has a redirect from "MondayNightDanceParty", "mondaynightdanceparty", and "mndp". When asking the bot about tags, you may include or exclude the <code>#</code> character; it will be removed if it exists.
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