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Secret Santa

600 bytes added, 09:30, 1 November 2018
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For Pnut's Secret Santa event, users are each assigned another user to send a special gift for Christmas. Assignments are given before Thanksgiving, and gifts should not be over $20 cost.
We will have a Secret Santa event this year (2018) just like in 2017 and the old times.==Order of Business==
Contact The Secret Santa is orchestrated by [[@33MHz]] if you want to be part of it. Users' details are put into a script, which randomly assigns users their Secret Santas, excluding previous assignments and he will add you to the group chat to coordinateclose relatives.
Please don't post personal details publicly; send him a PM. If shipping internationally, try to get packages out by Thanksgiving (late November) at latest, because we often see at least 2 weeks, and sometimes even 6 or 7 weeks of transit time. Especially if you think about going through customs and the holiday rushes. If your package arrives very late or gets lost, don't sweat it. We understand. :) ==Years== ===2018=== This year's Secret Santa is underway. [[@33MHz]] has gathered 19 users to participate, and assignments have been made! ===Previous=== In 2017 the Secret Santa was run from Pnut. In years prior, it was held on [[]].
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