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776 bytes added, 08:12, 14 April 2020
add common room suggestions
A list of all active, public chat rooms can be found on [[Patter]] at, under "Public Rooms" > "Active Rooms". [[Beta]] also has access to [ chat rooms], as do many other apps.
== What do you want to talk about? ==
There are a number of active rooms that already exist for anyone to talk about particular topics. Here's a few good ones, with the room IDs in parentheses:
* Movies: [ Movie Club (591)]
* Music: [ Frederick's Music Lounge (1131)]
* Games (video, board): [ Games (153)]
* Politics: [ Politics (87)]
* News: [ Global News (497)]
* Technology: [ All Things Tech (508)]
* Software projects: [ hacking space (212)]
* Work: [ work chat (1532)]
You can ask for other suggestions if you're looking for something, or start your own room and let folks know!
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