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Revision as of 09:28, 17 August 2020 by 33MHz (talk | contribs) (Past and upcoming Hackathons)

A hackathon usually occurs every two or three months. This is a dedicated time where people come together on Pnut to hack, design, code and create things for Pnut that you otherwise wouldn't work on.


Q & A

Do you have to be a developer?

No, we will be providing suggestions for non-developers to work on. Some project idea/goal categories we've come up with so far are:

  • Ways to engage users (including you, of course!)
  • How to introduce and familiarize new users to
  • Essay-format writings about what means to you

How can I participate?

Signing up is not required - however we ask that you drop a note in the hackathon chat room to let us know that you're planning to participate. Please drop in on us on that day to mix, get support, and bounce ideas around, as well. We plan for people to meet and organize in that room before moving off to their own individual project-based discussions.

Do you have to have an idea in mind already?

No, other people will be sharing their ideas for projects.

Do I have to work in a group?

No, you can work on your own if you'd like to.

How long will it run?

The hackathon will take place over the weekend.

What happens when the hackathon ends?

We hope that you'll submit an explanation of what you did in the chat room and/or globally. Your project does not have to be complete--it can still just be in the ideas/planning phase, even! It can be as simple as a short note of what you worked out and want to share with the community.

Does my project have to be done by the end of the hackathon?

Absolutely not. We're just hoping to get similarly-minded people together to get projects started. BUT if you do work on your project *after* the hackathon, please let us know, too!

You can also use the tag #hackathon on any posts you make before, during, and after the hackathon. Please help us get the word out!

Past and upcoming Hackathons
