From Community Wiki
Welcome to the Pnut Community Wiki
Are you sociable? Do you like removing warranty stickers, screen protector film? Then help us make this resource better! The wiki bot is an easy way to create and add content.
Pnut is a social network created by @33MHz and inspired by Here's a typical exchange, from a chat group on the service:
"It's cozy here. in Germany we would call it 'gemütlich'. this is not the marketplace like Twitter is, it's the pub where your friends are. it's like Cheers the TV show. Also, this is a playing ground for developers. Also, we all come from"
-- @blumenkraft
"Pnut is a social network where the focus is towards humans, not brands; where the incentive is to be able to talk to people and jump into conversations; where abusers of any sorts have no right to be; this is a friendly platform for people wanting to create or join communities, where you expect to not be crushed by the giant corporate machine while you simply enjoy being there with other people."
-- @ericd
"Amen! Also, no ads! \o/"
-- @blumenkraft
For more detail see the Guide for new users here and the official About page.
Useful links
To do anything on Pnut you'll need an app.
Chat rooms and private messaging (PM)
A list of bot users to follow and interact with
Do you frequently ask questions? This page is for you.
You can look up tags to find common ground.
Look here first if you don't quite understand.
A history of the network. Needs-extending. Can you help?
Post Count Achievements
Achievements for reaching modest posting targets.
User list
A list of users, developers, everyone is welcome.
Wiki admin tools. Take a look anyway.
Nothing regular just yet - why not create an event?
Pnut of the day:
What's happening across Pnut?
Recent events
Weekly events
Less Frequent
- Theme Monday - change your avatar for the 2nd Monday of the month based on a theme (#themeMonday)
- Work chat - personal development on Fridays (#workchat)
- Hackathon - irregular, announced in good time
- Secret Santa - gift giving around Xmas
Note: A 'Day' is an arbitrary concept on Pnut; one can take a week to complete!
It takes resources to run a social network. Every buck counts! There are several ways for you to ensure a sustainable network.
There are some remarkable Pnut apps! Developers should have an extra incentive to work on them to make them even better and future proof. Generally developers put up donation links for PayPal and similar. Just ask!
Logo design by @brainseller. For other credits, see humans.txt.