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98 bytes removed, 09:26, 20 February 2018
no edit summary
Oops -- what were the intervening themes?
== [x] [9_October_2017|2017 October 9 ]] == '''Placeholder: [[9_October_2017]]''' '''Don't forget to tell your friends!'''
[x] The call to action, a post.
[x] Called officially by @bazbt3.
'''#ThemeMonday - on October 9th 2017 is:''' == #BookMonday! == <hr>
== [ ] 2017 May 8: ==
''' Needs completion!'''== [[8_May_2017|2017 May 8]] ==
'''The second chance to do this''', so don't forget to tell your friends!
== [X] [10_April_2017|2017 April 10: ]] ==
'''It's the very first chance to do this''', so don't forget to tell your friends!
[x] Called officially by @bazbt3 on April 9th 2017.
'''The first-ever''' '''''''''' '''#ThemeMonday - on April 10th 2017 is:#PnutMonday!''' == #PnutMonday! ==
Don't forget to tell your friends! If you're short of ideas there's a [ list compiled for the winning entry.]
Note, this is only a ''tiny'' selection of a the events.
== [X] [13_March_2017|2017 March 13: ]] ==
'''It's the very last chance to do this on''', so don't forget to tell your friends! (This can run from the time you see this if you wish.)
== [x] 2016 February 8: ==
[x] The call to action
== [x] 2016 January 11: ==
[x] The call to action,
[x] Called at 9:30am UK time, the poll result:
'''#ThemeMonday for for January 11th 2016 is:#RandomMonday!''' == #RandomMonday! ==
Have fun with it everyone!
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