A big list of links
Some Links within this Wiki - not in any particular order. | |
Events list | Scheduled and unscheduled events |
Guide for new users | A brief guide, what to expect within pnut.io. |
Apps | Listing ordered by platform. |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions. |
Patter Rooms | Public & private chat rooms. |
Users | A list of Wiki contributors; why not make your page? |
History | Notable events in pnut history. |
pnutbadge | Help fund the site (direct.) |
pnutpatreon | Help fund the site, enhance visibility. |
Hashtags | Generally pnut-specific hashtags. |
#Hackathon | pnut-related coding, give something back. |
MNDP (Monday Night Dance Party) | @jdscolam’s participatory broadcast. |
#ThemeMonday | Avatar change to a theme, monthy. |
#WednesdayChallenge | Single-post stories, weekly. Hopefully coming soon. |
Post Count Achievements | Badges for post quantity (with quality.) |
Useful Wiki-related stuff: | |
Wiki Style Guide | (and wiki editing help) |
Wiki Talk Pages | A list of Talk/Discussion Pages here. |
Community Wiki Patter chatroom | Would you rather chat informally? Go here.. |
@wiki - the Community Wiki pnut.io bot. | Useful to follow to watch real-time (though not minor) updates; contactable. |
Meta | Wiki-related resources more tailored to administration. |